Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gas Tax Holiday?

Apparently we need a holiday. No, not from work, although very few American workers get half the vacation they deserve. The proposed holiday is a holiday from the gas tax. Both John McCain and Hillary Clinton are proposing their own versions of this Gas Tax Holiday which would last through the summer vacation months and save us all a hefty 18.4 cents per gallon (24.4 cents for diesel).

They can keep it. After a bit of math, I'd be keeping an "extra" $30 in my pocket over the course of the entire summer. Wow. Somehow, I just don't think that's going to impact anyone's travel plans one way or the other. I have to side with Senator Obama on this one who says that this is basically a short term, quick fix that doesn't solve anything.

Doesn't the government have enough money problems without depriving itself of a key source of revenue for three months of the year? If Americans were suddenly thrust into the European arena they would quickly be taking advantage of their right to bear arms and go postal over their petrol prices. A reader in Germany, KaiserMichi, informed me that he recently paid $9.70 for a gallon of gas.

And it's even more expensive in Italy. In fact, a half to two-thirds of the price of the gas in Europe is tax -- up to $5 or more. Yes, they are paying way more in tax on a gallon of gas than we pay for a gallon of gas. The positive results of this are that the auto manufacturers are thusly encouraged to develop more fuel efficient cars and the people drive less and use public transportation more.

So do us all a favor -- Big Government -- and don't give a starving dog a rubber bone. Save the weak and pointless gestures and do something that will really help. I'm all about paying through the nose for my fossil fuel addiction if the tax I pay on it is used to get me clean.

And I want to be clean....and green.

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