Monday, March 3, 2008

Annual Violation

It's tax time again -- as if it isn't tax time whenever I get my paycheck, or make a purchase, or make an investment, or accumulate interest, or, or, or.... I'm tired of having a bulls-eye painted on my bank account in this war on the middle class. I feel like I'm simultaneously supporting the poor who can avoid paying taxes as well as the rich who find ways around it.

Am I being penalized for being married and owning a home? It sure seems that way. We paid five figures of interest on our home last year while Uncle Sam helped himself to a hefty chunk of our paychecks before we even got them -- and we still owe. How much is enough?

It's been suggested that I could change my withholding -- again -- to have more tax taken out of my check and then I might get a refund. Sorry, but I'm not entirely thrilled with how the government is spending my money as it is. I'm not about to give them an interest free loan at my expense just to put it back in my pocket in April.

The unfortunate truth is that most, if not all, of those who fight city hall on this issue will lose. Case in point -- the couple in New Hampshire recently who barricaded themselves in their home and refused to pay, citing the absence of any legal substantiation for income tax. I was rooting for them even though I knew it could only end one way. They were tricked by the feds and taken out at gunpoint.

That's right boys and girls -- they'll take your money or your freedom even if they have to perforate you with lead to do it.

My wife says that we need a revolution in this country and I'm beginning to agree with her. Sedition, you say? Not exactly, but not knowing your rights is the same as not having any, and not taking a stand for what you believe to be right and fair is akin to advocating the status quo.

I think it's time we halt the IRS's march towards apotheosis, but that's just me. Or is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
