Friday, March 7, 2008

Sunken Friend Ship: Part 2

Talk about the Karmic Credit Plan -- no sooner do I lament the misplacement of old friends, but one resurfaces. Like a turning of the tide that reveals long buried memories, an innocuous message washed into my email from, "Someone signed your Guestbook!"

I get these messages from time to time, often from people I neither graduated with nor even went to school with. I can't image that my profile is so fascinating that it attracts those I've never met -- more likely I'm one of many that they're browsing for one reason or another.

In effect, someone clicks on your profile and an email is generated to let you know that they were there. This time, it was someone I knew -- a friend I haven't seen since the twenty year reunion several years ago and prior to that...well, it was the 80s.

Class reunions are a funny thing. It seems that everyone initially gravitates into the cliques they formed as teen-agers. Sure, we all -- most of us, anyway -- eventually mingle and chat, but even then it's akin to speed dating. Many folks come in from out of town and kill two birds with one stone by incorporating the reunion into a larger vacation, so there's not much follow-up after the "Gee, it's been forever"s are said.

Truth be told, it frustrates me. A lot of the people I look forward to seeing don't come and the numbers dwindle every time we get back together. For some, I guess they're like George Carlin who said, "There's a reason I haven't seen those people for 25 years -- I didn't like most of them".

For my part, I'm far too curious not to show up every five years and take inventory of my classmates who don't actually regard high school as something to be forgotten and scraped off the bottom of their shoes. I'll probably still be attending even when they have to wheel me in from the home and wipe the drool from my bib after I've had my Ensure and Metamucil.

As to my friend -- we live in different states, so it's anyone's guess when -- or if -- we'll get to hang out and catch up on each other's lives, but reconnecting was great and the trip down memory lane has been a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as far as class reunions go, I haven't been to one ever because even though I've beenlisted for years in the directory no one I wrote to bother to write or call. I was the scraped off. They didn't understand me or care to.
Most of them remained in small town and a mind to match. The ones I talk to are others who ventured out.Just one chix observation.