Monday, March 31, 2008


It would go without saying that with all this car shopping going on there hasn't been time to decide how to refill the small, empty parking spot in front of the house.

No, the pictured bike isn't mine -- well, in my very vivid dreams it is -- but my need for a pair of wheels to help shed some stress while navigating some back road twisties is pressing at the very least.

I sold my motorcycle last June. It was aging, but ran well. It actually needed more than I could easily provide -- that being not only someone who loved it, but someone with the time and expertise to maintain it. I have no qualms about paying for needed service, but at $60 per hour, extensive service adds up quickly.

So I look ahead to the probablility of yet another summer watching everyone else get their ride on. And I'm on the outside, looking a kid outside the toy store, standing at the window, face pressed up against the glass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
