Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blink of an Eye

Another weekend gone as quickly as it arrived. It seems not to matter whether it's filled with friends, family, home projects, and shopping, or just sleeping late and sequestering ourselves to recharge our batteries.

It's unbalanced. I spend five days a week working my job and two days a week -- the weekend -- working and managing my life. I've always said that I'll work to live but I won't live to work. I wish I could say that I'll live to work. That would mean I'm working my dream job and leaping out of bed every morning looking forward to all the wonderful experiences that the day has in store.

If I were still hammering out a backbeat in front of adoring fans, I would be living my work -- happily. As it is, I have a job that I like well enough on good days and can just stand on bad ones. I count my blessings because it could be a lot worse and, by comparison, I don't have much to complain about.

I'd better get back to work. I have things to do today and before I know it, it will be the weekend again.

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